SV-ADAHRS-200 Primary ADAHRS Module with OAT

SV-ADAHRS-200 Primary ADAHRS Module with OAT


ADAHRS stands for Air Data/Attitude/Heading Reference System. The SkyView ADAHRS module uses MEMS sensor technology to accurately measure inertial, magnetic, and air data. These provide the data necessary to drive the Artificial Horizon/Synthetic Vision, Airspeed, Altitude, Vertical Speed, Slip, Turn Rate, Angle of Attack, and Gyro-Stabilized Heading. Additionally, Outside Air Temperature is obtained from the SV-OAT-340 Sensor which is connected to the ADHARS Module.

SKU: 101293-000 Category:


Dynon sells a primary ADAHRS model (SV-ADAHRS-200) and a backup model (SV-ADAHRS-201). The primary and backup models are identical in functionality, however you must have at least one SV-ADAHRS-200 in the system in order for the SV-ADAHRS-201 to function

The SV-MAG-236 Remote Magnetometer: was developed for situations where the SV-ADAHRS-200/201’s integrated magnetometer cannot be located in an area free of magnetic disturbances while satisfying the other installation constraints (such as proximity to center of gravity) of the SV-ADAHRS-200/201. The SV-MAG-236 is particularly recommended for steel-frame aircraft.

To minimize the possibility of magnetic interference from the connector assembly, the SV-MAG-236 uses an 18-inch integral cable – the connector is remoted from the magnetometer sensor. A maximum of one SV-MAG-236 can be used in a SkyView system.

Design Considerations: A SkyView Network Cable is used to connect a Remote Magnetometer Module to a Display. One Remote Magnetometer Module will provide data to as many Displays as are connected in the SkyView System. However, when you install a secondary ADAHRS (SV-ADAHRS-201) only one Remote Magnetometer needs be installed.

Outside Reference for Attitude: An ADAHRS requires an outside reference in order to quickly find and maintain its reference horizon. Dynon ADAHRSs use air speed derived from the pitot and static ports as their primary outside reference. Airspeed is the best reference to enable a fast attitude capture; Dynon units can typically find the horizon in under 10 seconds, even in flight. Units that do not use air speed can often take several minutes to find the horizon, and often require straight and level flight or to be stationary on the ground. In order to have a backup in the unlikely event of loss of pitot or static data, all Dynon ADAHRS revert to GPS ground track if a GPS is connected.

OAT Outside Air Temperature: A SV-OAT-340 Outside Air Temperature Sensor is included with each SV-ADAHRS-200/201.

3 – Pneumatic ports for Pitot, Static, and Angle of Attack
1 – 9-Pin DIN Connector for the SkyView Network
2 – 2-Pin Connector for SV-OAT-340 Sensor

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